Accessibility Services

Johnston Community College is committed to provide an accessible college experience to all students.

The Accessibility Services Office provides academic accommodations to support students with disabilities and addresses the specialized needs of students who have special health conditions, or disability considerations.  These students are individuals attending classes on-campus and online, as well as students actively involved in campus organizations, leadership positions, community activities, and job responsibilities.  

Johnston Community College is committed to ensuring all students have an opportunity to pursue a college education. JCC will make reasonable accommodations in accordance with:

Our goal is to ensure all qualified students have equal opportunity and access to all programs and facilities.

Students with disabilities preparing for postsecondary education should:

  1. Know your rights and responsibilities. Review the Questions and Answers on Disability Discrimination under Section 504 and Title II page and the differences between high school required services and postsecondary services before enrolling at JCC.
  2. Students seeking accommodations from Accessibility Services should also read the Accessibility Documentation Guidelines (PDF) prior to applying for services.

Steps to Request Accessibility Services for New Students

If you have not previously requested Accessibility Services and would like to begin the process, please complete the following form under step one and return it to the Accessibility Services Coordinator:

1. Complete the accessibility services request for accommodations form

Any student seeking reasonable accommodations must initiate contact with the Accessibility Services Coordinator to request services. It is the student's responsibility to request services in a timely manner. Information about a student's disability is not collected in the admission process. Subsequently, the information a student provides regarding a disability is completely voluntary.

2. Provide Documentation

All students requesting accommodations due to a disabling concern must provide the Accessibility Services Coordinator with current documentation verifying a disability. Documentation submitted must be from a qualified professional and include a clear diagnostic statement, a description of the assessment tools used to render the diagnosis, and a statement reflecting the student's current needs and level of functioning in an academic setting. All medical and psychological documentation used to verify a disability must be current and based on adult norm. All documentation and information regarding a student's disability is kept confidential and separate from academic records. Please reference the Accessibility Documentation Guidelines (PDF) for additional information regarding acceptable documentation. Questions pertaining to acceptable documentation may be directed to the Accessibility Services Coordinator.

3. Interview with Accessibility Services Coordinator

Once disability verification documentation is received, each student must schedule an interview with the Accessibility Services Coordinator. During this interview, discussion will take place about the requested accommodations as well as other supportive resources available at Johnston Community College and in the community.

4. Request accommodations each semester

Once a student is registered with the Accessibility Services Office, it is the student's responsibility to request accommodations each semester and to maintain contact with the Accessibility Services Coordinator regarding any changes.

Accessibility Services for Returning Students

If you have previously registered with Accessibility Services (formerly Disability Services) and are now returning to the college and would like to request assistance for your upcoming or current semester schedule, please set up an appointment with the Accessibility Services Coordinator by calling (919) 209-2074 or emailing

More Information

Contact us via email at

Bruce Pomeroy
Coordinator Accessibility Services

TART Building Office D110
(919) 209-2074

Admissions and Student Engagement
(919) 209-2128