The Student Code of Conduct sanctions are listed below. The list does not imply an order or sequence of sanctions. The sanctions in each case will be determined by the factors related to the specific cases. Sanctions include the following:
- Verbal Warning: A verbal warning statement, including friendly advice, counsel, criticism, or rebuke, to the student that further disciplinary action will take place if the specific behavior/condition is continued or repeated.
- Reprimand: A written warning statement to the student which gives official notice to the student that any subsequent offense against the Student Code of Conduct will carry heavier penalties because of this prior infraction.
- General Probation: An individual may be placed on general probation when involved in a minor disciplinary offense. General probation has two important implications: the individual is given a chance to show capability and willingness to observe the Student Code of Conduct without further penalty; secondly, if the individual errs again, further action will be taken. This probation will be in effect for no more than two semesters.
- Restrictive Probation: Restrictive probation results in the loss of good standing and becomes a matter
of record. Restrictive conditions may limit activity in the College community. Generally,
the individual will not be eligible for initiation into any local or national organization
and may not receive any College award or other honorary recognition.
The individual may not occupy a position of leadership or responsibility with any College or student organization, publication, or activity. This probation will be in effect for not less than two semesters. Any violation of restrictive probation may result in immediate suspension. - Restitution: Paying for damaging, misusing, destroying, or losing property belonging to the College, College personnel, or students.
- Interim Suspension: Exclusion from class and/or other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice until a final decision has been made concerning the alleged violation.
- Loss of Academic Credit or Grade: Imposed as a result of academic dishonesty.
- Withholding the Transcript, Diploma, or Right to Register or Participate in Graduation Ceremonies: Imposed when financial obligations are not met. (Will not be allowed to register until all financial obligations are met.)
- Suspension: Exclusion from class and/or all other college privileges or activities for a specified time. This sanction is reserved for those offenses warranting discipline more severe than probation or for repeated misconduct. Students who receive this sanction must get specific written permission from the vice president before returning to campus.
- Expulsion: Dismissing a student from campus for an indefinite period resulting in losing student status. The student may be readmitted to the College only with the approval of the president.
- Suspension from Campus Activities: Exclusion from participation in designated student clubs, organizations, or activities for a specified period and/or loss of officer standing within a student organization.
- Group Probation: This is given to a College club or other organized group for a specified period. If group violations are repeated during the term of the sentence, the charter may be revoked, or activities restricted.
- Group Restriction: Removing College recognition during the semester in which the offense occurred or for a longer period (usually not more than one other semester). While under restriction, the group may not seek or add members, hold, or sponsor events in the College community, or engage in other activities as specified.
- Group Charter Revocation: Removal of College recognition for a group, club, society, or other organizations for a minimum of two years. The re-chartering of a group/club must be approved by the College president.
- Other Sanctions: Students may be required to attend workshops or research topics that pertain to the behavior that violated the Code of Conduct. These sanctions assist the student to gain the skills necessary to avoid future conduct code violations.