Frequently Asked Questions
How long does BLET last?
The academy is a full-time day academy that lasts 17 weeks. Classes normally run from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended weekend and night training in firearms, patrol techniques, and driver training at the discretion of the BLET School Director
Students may receive 19 credit hours toward their associate degree at Johnston Community College upon completion of the academy.
How difficult / demanding is BLET?
Cadets participate in a demanding but obtainable program consisting of physical activities preparing them for a challenging career in law enforcement. Physical fitness activities include running, weight training, and group exercises. The weekly academic tests are administered to deteremine proficiency and in preparation for the comprehensive State exam.
After graduating from BLET and passing the State Exam, does this certification last indefinitely?
No. Graduates must be hired or "sworn-in" by a law enforcement agency within 12 months from the date of the state exam.
What is the cost of taking the BLET program?
If the student acquires a sponsorship letter from a police or sheriff department, then there is no charge for tuition for taking BLET. The student is responsible for books, a physical examination, all required uniforms, and costs associated with the application process. The costs of books, fees, and uniforms are approximately $1,500.
Is ammunition provided by Johnston Community College?
Yes. JCC will provide required ammunition at no additional cost to the students.
Will McIntosh
School Director - BLET, Radar, and General Instructor & Director for Detention Officer
training (DOCC)
(919) 464-2352