Bio Blend 2.0

Spectrum News 1 - T-Step Program by Amy Elliott

Expanding a multi-skilled
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Technician pipeline to meet industry needs

Are you interested in learning more about the Bio Blend program?
Contact the Bio Blend career coach for more information!

Bio Blend offers certificate and degree options. Students enrolled in Bio Blend have the potential to receive the following certificates:

Bio Blend Program Goals:

  1. Modify Bio Blend curriculum, course progression, and resources based on stakeholder feedback and expand to all AE and BT degree students

    Bio Blend Certificate now includes the following courses:
    MNT 110 – Introduction to Maintenance = 2 credits
    ATR 112 – Introduction to Automation= 3 credits
    BPM 110 – Bioprocess Practices=5 credits
    PTC 110 – Industrial Environment=3 credits
    * Continuing education and curriculum courses available to achieve the Bio Blend certificate.

  2. Improve the Talent Pipeline to meet workforce and industry needs by developing a work-based learning experience and soft skills training offered to all AE and BT students.
    • Engagement opportunities between students and industry
    • Internship opportunities

  3. Increase neurodiversity in the BT and AE programs to include more individuals from the autism spectrum
    • TEACCH Autism Program TSTEP course at JCC
    • Training for staff/faculty/industry

Our Partners: Grifols • Novo Nordisk • Public School System *TEACCH Autism Program

National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation (NSF)

Julie Griffin
Bio Blend Career Coach
(919) 209-2584