Imaging In-service (Cardiovascular Sonography)

Intro to Cardiac Anatomy and EKG (SON 3001)

Why take this course?

  1. To better understand the normal anatomy and physiology of the adult heart.
  2. To appreciate the blood flow through the circulatory system.
  3. To understand the basics of the cardiac conduction system.
  4. To appreciate the normal cardiac cycle displayed on an electrocardiogram.
  5. To learn how to perform a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram
  6. To recognize normal electrocardiogram findings.
  7. To identify basic cardiac arrhythmias.
  8. Receive additional points towards your point ranking in Cardiovascular Sonography!!!

Estimated Cost

Registration fee: $75

Upcoming Classes*

Classes coming Summer 2025

*Students must attend both days of each session to receive credit. (Testing will be included and class location may vary.)


Steven M. Penny, MA, RT(R), RDMS (AB, PS, OB/GYN)
Sonography Programs Director
(919) 209-2502