Imaging In-service (Cardiovascular Sonography)
Intro to Cardiac Anatomy and EKG (SON 3001)
Why take this course?
- To better understand the normal anatomy and physiology of the adult heart.
- To appreciate the blood flow through the circulatory system.
- To understand the basics of the cardiac conduction system.
- To appreciate the normal cardiac cycle displayed on an electrocardiogram.
- To learn how to perform a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram
- To recognize normal electrocardiogram findings.
- To identify basic cardiac arrhythmias.
- Receive additional points towards your point ranking in Cardiovascular Sonography!!!
Estimated Cost
Registration fee: $75
Upcoming Classes*
Classes coming Summer 2025
*Students must attend both days of each session to receive credit. (Testing will be included and class location may vary.)
Steven M. Penny, MA, RT(R), RDMS (AB, PS, OB/GYN)
Sonography Programs Director
(919) 209-2502