Degree 2014

Fall 1

Course Class Hours Lab Hours Clinical Hours Credits
CVS 160 - Cardiovascular Sonography ClinicalEducation I 4.00 9.00 5.00
CVS 163 - Echo I 3.00 2.00 4.00
SON 112 - Sonographic Terminology 1.00 1.00
SON 271 - Doppler Sonography Topics 1.00 3.00 2.00
Total: 12

*Natural Science/Math Elective (3 credits)

Spring 1

Course Class Hours Lab Hours Clinical Hours Credits
CVS 161 - CVS Clinical Education II 24.00 8.00
CVS 164 - Echo II 3.00 2.00 4.00
SON 111 - Sonographic Physics 3.00 3.00 4.00
ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry 3.00 3.00
Total: 19


Course Class Hours Lab Hours Clinical Hours Credits
CVS 162 - CVS Clinical Education III 15.00 5.00
Total: 5

Fall 2

Course Class Hours Lab Hours Clinical Hours Credits
CVS 260 - CVS Clinical Education IV 24.00 8.00
SON 250 - Vascular Sonography 1.00 3.00 2.00
Total: 10

*Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (3 credits)

Spring 2

Course Class Hours Lab Hours Clinical Hours Credits
CVS 261 - CVS Clinical Education V 24.00 8.00
CVS 277 - Cardiovascular Topics 2.00 2.00
ENG 112 - Writing and Research in the Disciplines 3.00 3.00
SON 273 - Adv Vascular Sonography 2.00 2.00 3.00
Total: 16

*Social/Behavior Science Elective (3 credits)

The following courses may be used to satisfy the Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Requirements: ART 111, ART 114, ART 115, ART 116, ART 117, ENG 131, ENG 233, ENG 243, HUM 110, HUM 115, MUS 110, MUS 113, PHI 210, PHI 215, PHI 240, REL 110, REL 211, REL 212

The following courses may be used to satisfy the Social Science Elective Requirements: ECO 151, ECO 251, ECO 252, GEO 111, GEO 130, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 121, HIS 131, HIS 132, POL 110, POL 130, PSY 150, PSY 237, PSY 241, PSY 281, SOC 210, SOC 213, SOC 220, SOC 240

The following courses may be used to satisfy the Natural Science/Math Elective Requirements:
MAT 140, CIS 110, CHM 131 & 131A, CHM 151, MAT 162, MAT 263, MAT 175.