Writing Intensive Courses

Statewide, WIC courses are being offered and required at our main transfer Universities. Our graduates and transfer students need classes labeled as WIC in order to receive proper credit for ENG classes. 

At JCC in order to promote continued focus on Principles and Practices of Writing Instruction throughout the student’s college career, the Instructional Division has developed writing intensive courses (WIC). These courses will ensure that students write in varying contexts and for various audiences in discipline-specific courses. A writing intensive course (WIC) at JCC will incorporate writing assignments that facilitate student learning in specific disciplines. WICs will ensure students extend writing skills learned in ENG courses, develop discipline-specific writing skills, and understand the unique ways writing occurs in any given discipline. Implementation of WICs will reflect current research and best practices through the following criteria:

  1. Writing intensive courses will suggest a total of 3,000 words, or 15 pages of writing.
  2. Writing intensive courses will include both high and low stakes writing assignments.
  3. Writing intensive course instructors will provide feedback at multiple points in the writing process as well as include grading rubrics for feedback.
  4. Writing intensive courses will involve peer review.
  5. Writing intensive course instructors will use the portfoliomethod (an emphasis on process) for developing, revising, and assessing student writing.
  6. Writing intensive courses will require writing assignments throughout the semester.
  7. Writing intensive courses will be identified, developed, and implemented through a partnership including the CAP for labeling, the Tutoring/Writing Center for remediation and enhancement, the LRC and appropriate faculty.
English 111 - Writing and Inquiry
English 112 - Writing and Research in the Discipline
English 125 - Creative Writing I
English 231 | American Literature I
English 232 | American Literature II
English 241 | British Literature I