Johnston Community College Conducts Active Assailant Training

Published: August 22, 2022

JCC Public Safety Department, along with NC Highway Patrol, offer training in Benson

Officers in Active Assailant Training

(Benson, NC) - Johnston Community College’s Public Safety Department, in conjunction with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, is offering active assailant training for various law enforcement agencies. The training is being conducted at the Benson Fire Department, which graciously offered a training room and adjoining building for the lecture and practical exercises. 

This training focuses on updated tactics for a Law Enforcement officers who are responding to ongoing active shootings. The instructors are from the NC State Highway Patrol, who have been trained in the Homeland Security Active Assailant training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

The first agency from Johnston County to attend the training was the Sheriff’s office, which sent all its School Resource Officers. Other agencies who have or are scheduled attend include the Selma, Benson, and Smithfield Police Departments.

Kim Robertson, assistant vice president of Public Safety at Johnston Community College says, “We are proud to offer this type of training to our law enforcement community, but we are prouder of the numerous public safety entities - from the fire department to the highway patrol - for working together to accomplish the goals of making our schools and communities safer.”  

Anyone who wishes to learn more should contact Philip “Mark” Sullivan at

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