Instructional Design Services

Our goal is to connect faculty to the latest advancements in instructional technologies.instructional design graphic


The Jaguar Office of Learning Technologies (JOLT) team has a wide range of experience and education, and we are available for one-on-one and small group consultation. We are more than happy to help you learn how to use the LMS, ensure your course meets distance learning criteria, create interactive course content, or simply help you with pedagogy and incorporating technology in the classroom.

If you are interested in setting up an appointment with a member of JOLT, please submit a KBox ticket or contact JOLT at


We want to enable you to achieve your goals through workshops, small group or one-on-one interactions. Visit our page on the staff and faculty SharePoint if you are interested in participating in a course or viewing a tutorial. 

Instructional Design

We seek to enhance teaching and learning at JCC through the promotion and assurance of:

  • Universal Design for Learning principles
  • Accessibility and compliance with the ADA, Section 504, and Section 508
  • Regular and substantive interaction in distance learning
  • Student engagement in distance learning
  • The professional development of faculty and staff in educational technology