WorkKeys Assessments

*** If you are interested in becoming a teacher assistant for Johnston County Public Schools (JCPS), please check the Teacher Assistant Education page for more information on the teacher assistant program and the program's testing requirements. ***

National Career Readiness Certification

The National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) is a portable credential that verifies foundational workplace skills and proves to employers that you have the skills to do the job!

  • To earn the NCRC, you must successfully complete the WorkKeys Assessment in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy and Workplace Documents.
  • The full assessment can take up to three (3) hours to complete.
  • WorkKeys Assessments help you measure the workplace skills that can affect your job performance.

NCRC Levels

  • Bronze: Score at least Level3 in all three core areas which demonstrates the necessary skills for approximately 35% of the jobs in the WorkKeys database (minimum level required for JCPS highly qualified positions)
  • Silver: Score at least Level 4 in all three core areas which demonstrates the necessary skills for approximately 65% of the jobs in the WorkKeys database (minimum level required for JCC BioWork Program)
  • Gold: Score at least Level5 in all three core areas which demonstrates the necessary skills for approximately 90% of the jobs in the WorkKeys database
  • Platinum: Score at least Level 6 in all three core areas which demonstrates the necessary skills for approximately 99% of the jobs in the WorkKeys database

    The National Career Readiness Certificate proves to employers that you have the skills to do the job!

For additional information on the assessments, visit the ACT WorkKeys Assessments Website 


Total testing fee for National Career Readiness Certification (WorkKeys Assessments) = $45*
The WorkKeys assessments (NCRC) cost $15* per assessment
3 assessments: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, Workplace Documents 

> Please EMAIL Adriene T Howard or Marvilo L Gay for more information on testing availability.
> Payment will need to be made in full with the JCC Business Office PRIOR to testing.

Testing Location

Johnston Community College
Elsee Building
245 Collge Road
Smithfield, NC 27577

*All fees are subject to change