Automotive Courses

Kickstart or advance your career in automotive inspections with hands-on training at Johnston Community College! Gain the skills and certifications you need to excel in the field by enrolling in these essential courses.

Automotive Safety Inspection

  • Goal: Learn rules and procedures for conducting vehicle safety inspections.
  • Outcome: Prepares you for the state certification exam.
  • Location: Main campus, Truck Driver Training Building.

On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) Emissions Inspection

  • Goal: Understand rules and procedures for OBD emissions inspections.
  • Outcome: Prepares you for the state certification exam.
  • Location: Main campus, Truck Driver Training Building.
  • Note: Course dates have recently changed.

Classes are held on the main campus of Johnston Community College in the Truck Driver Training Building. Room number for each class is listed.

Important information for all automotive classes:

  • Late students may not be admitted to class.
  • Successful completion requires 100% class attendance and satisfactory class participation.
  • Each student must be employed at an inspection station and possess a valid N.C. driver's license.
  • Each student must provide their own pair of safety glasses.
  • The Action Form for Inspector/Mechanic Certification or Renewal (LT-310) must be signed by the owner, partner, or an officer of your inspection station and brought to class on the first night. The LT-310 Action form is available online.
  • Advanced Registration is required. Class sizes are limited.
  • Classes and instructors may change due to specific circumstances, and low enrollment could lead to class cancellations. Preregistered students will be notified by email of any changes. If you are not preregistered, you may not receive these updates.
  • Refund Policy

Student Sponsorship

  • If a company/agency is planning to pay for tuition/fees, this Student Sponsorship Form (PDF) must be printed on company letterhead, signed and submitted. This form must be submitted with the registration form.
  • If the company/agency is planning to pay for books or supplies, the company/agency must contact JCC Barnes & Noble Bookstore at 919-209-2104.

Click on the Course Name to register

Contact Information:

Dr. LaShawndra T. White
Director of Workforce Training & Community Programs
(919) 464-2404