Current My Materials Courses

Course ID> Course Title Publisher
ACC 115 Principles of Financial Accounting McGraw Hill
ACC 120 Principles of Financial Accounting McGraw Hill
ACC 121 Managerial Accounting McGraw Hill
ACC 131 Federal Income Taxes McGraw Hill
ACC 140 Payroll Accounting McGraw Hill
ACC 149 Intro to Accounting Spreadsheets McGraw Hill
ACC 150 Accounting Software Applications McGraw Hill
ACC 220 Intermediate Accounting I McGraw Hill
ART 111 Art Appreciation Norton
BIO 110 Principles of Biology McGraw Hill
BUS 110 Introduction to Business McGraw Hill
BUS 121 Business Math McGraw Hill
BUS 137 Principles of Management McGraw Hill
BUS 139 Entrepreneurship I McGraw Hill
BUS 151 People Skills McGraw Hill
BUS 225 Business Finance McGraw Hill
CHM 132 Organic and Biochemistry McGraw Hill
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers Cengage
CIS 115 Intro to Programming Cengage
COM 120 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication McGraw Hill
COM 231 Introduction to Public Speaking McGraw Hill
CSC 120 Computing Fundamentals I Cengage
CSC 134 C++ Programming Cengage
ECO 251 Prin of Microeconomics Cengage
ECO 252 Prin of Macroeconomics Cengage
HEA 110 Personal Health/Wellness McGraw Hill
LEX 150 Commercial Law I  
MAT 121  Algebra/Trigonometry I Cengage/ No online tools
MAT 152 Statistical Methods McGraw Hill/ALEKS
MAT 171  Precalculus Algebra McGraw Hill/ALEKS
MAT 172  Precalculus Trigonometry McGraw Hill/ALEKS
MAT 263  Brief Calculus Cengage/ Webassign
MAT 271  Calculus I NCSU Text/Cengage Webassign
MAT 272  Calculus II NCSU Text/CengageWebassign
MAT 273  Calculus III NCSU Text/Cengage Webassign
MKT 120 Principles of Marketing McGraw Hill
MKT 223 Customer Service McGraw Hill
MUS 110 Music Appreciation Norton
OST 136 Word Processing Cengage
OST 140 Internet Communication & Research Cengage
OST 149 Medical Legal Issues Cengage
OST 164 Text Editing Applications Cengage
OST 233 Office Publications Design Cengage
OST 284 Emerging Technologies Cengage
POL 120 American Government McGraw Hill
PSY 150 General Psychology McGraw Hill
PSY 241 Developmental Psychology McGraw Hill
PSY 281 Abnormal Psychology McGraw Hill
SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology McGraw Hill
SPI 213 Review of Grammar Cengage