Crime Prevention and Safety Tips

Preventing campus crime is a shared responsibility between the College and all members of the campus community. Public apathy is a criminal’s greatest ally. You cannot assume that someone else has or will report unsafe, suspicious, or criminal activity. Suspicion is the only reason you need for contacting JCC’s Campus Security Department.

Whether you are the victim or someone else, you should report any crime, suspicious activity, or other campus emergency immediately to Campus Security by calling (919) 209-2111 or visiting our Office in the Wilson Building, next to the Jaguar Grill. For all emergencies, be sure to dial 9-1-1, first. You can also reach emergency assistance by activating any of the strategically-located emergency blue light kiosks on the main campus grounds.

If you contact Campus Security, please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Location of the incident you are reporting
  • A description of the scene and suspect(s)
  • A description of any vehicles involved in the incident, especially a license plate number 

Your call just may be the call that prevents the next crime and protects the next victim.

Below are some safety and security tips designed to reduce your risk of becoming victim of a crime. It’s all about reducing the “opportunity” for crime. By limiting the opportunity for crime, you limit the ability for the criminal to commit the crime.

Personal Safety

  • Whenever possible, travel with a friend or in a group. Remember, there is safety in numbers.
  • Stick to well-traveled and well-populated routes when moving around campus. At night, take routes that you are fully familiar with and that are well-lit.
  • Plan ahead. Prepare yourself physically and mentally for any emergency.
  • Walk with confidence. Avoid giving the impression that you would be an easy victim.
  • Never lend out keys. Keys can be duplicated. Never loan your keys or ID Badge to anyone. If you misplace your JCC ID badge, report the loss to Campus Police & Security immediately.
  • When leaving your office or work area, tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
  • Avoid working or studying alone in a campus building.
  • Don’t offer a ride to anyone you don’t know, even if the person claims to be a student. If you would like to help the individual, contact Campus Security to provide assistance.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Campus Security phone number (919) 209-2111 and After Hours (5:00 p.m.) and Weekends Cell phone (919) 795-2381 and the location of blue light emergency phone kiosks on campus. Don’t hesitate to report suspicious persons or activities if you feel unsafe.
  • Contact Campus Security to request someone to walk out with you after dark.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings, and don’t look at your phone while walking.
  • Consider not using headphones – while you may enjoy listening to music when running or walking, headphones limit your ability to hear what is going on around you.
  • Never prop open exterior doors. If you see a door propped, close it. Always make sure exterior doors are closed and latched after passing through.
  • Report to Campus Security any malfunctioning door, corridor, hallway, or exterior lighting.
  • Sign up for JCC's Jaguar Alerts. If you already have an account, update your preferences on how you’d like to receive alerts (i.e., email, text message, and/or phone call).
  • Learn and follow all the JCC safety and security procedures. They have been created out of concern for your welfare and in consideration of everyone’s rights in the campus community. If you feel unsafe in any situation, trust your instinct and contact Campus Security immediately.

Parking Lots

  • Try to park in well‐lit areas. If you arrive during the day and attend classes or work until after dark, consider moving your car closer during daylight hours. Avoid walking alone in the dark.
  • Avoid parking near dumpsters, wooded areas, large vans or trucks, or anything else that limits your visibility.
  • When parking, always lock your car doors, close windows, and secure any items that may be perceived as valuable to someone else in your trunk, under your seat, or somewhere out of view. You may think that your empty purse, makeup bag, or book bag may not contain anything of any value, but a criminal may see this as an opportunity, not knowing the bag is empty.
  • Be aware of the lot in which you are parked so you can give your location quickly during an emergency call ‐ (e.g. first section of the Wilson parking lot).
  • Have keys ready. Be prepared to enter your vehicle quickly and lock doors immediately.
  • Be alert to your surroundings. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction; go to the other side of the parking lot or street, and yell or whistle for help; or head quickly to a lighted area, a group of people, and/or a blue light emergency phone kiosk.
  • Trust your intuition! If you do not feel comfortable, call Campus Security.

Preventing Theft

  • Do not leave personal items such as laptops, ceLock it Remove it or Lose it imagell phones, book bags, purses, or textbooks unattended, even for a short amount of time! You are always accountable for your belongings.
  • When storing personal items in lockers, always secure the locker with a working, operational lock and never share the combination code or key.
  • Keep office doors locked at all times, even when the door is open. During unsafe conditions, all you will need to do is close your door to separate yourself from danger. If you accidentally lock your keys in your office, call Campus Security for assistance.
  • Do not prop doors open. If a lock is not working properly, report it to Campus Police & Security.
  • Keep the keys to your home and vehicle separate, and never attach a tag with your name and address to your key ring.
  • Keep a list of your debit/credit card numbers in a safe place. Never loan debit/credit cards or identification cards to anyone.
  • Keep a list of valuable possessions, including their makes, models, and serial numbers.
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash on campus.

Auto Burglary and Theft

  • Do not leave valuables or important papers in your vehicle on campus in visible locations.
  • Lock all doors and windows.
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unattended.
  • Avoid keeping a spare key to your home in your vehicle.
  • Notify Campus Security if your vehicle will be left overnight on campus.
  • Report any individuals who appear to be wandering through parking lots or looking into vehicles.
  • Report all other suspicious activity to Campus Security.