Daily Crime Log
The Campus Security Department maintains a Daily Crime Log, updated within two business days of the department receiving a report of a crime. The goal of publishing this log online is to keep the college community informed about campus crime.
This log is maintained in compliance with the Clery Act, which mandates that the College publish information about reported criminal incidents
and alleged criminal incidents within the Campus Security Department’s patrol jurisdiction
and on JCC’s on-campus, non-campus, and public property, as defined by the Act.
Unlike the crime statistics disclosed in the college’s Annual Security Report or on
the U.S. Department of Education’s Campus Safety and Security Statistics web site,
Daily Crime Log entries include all crimes reported to the Campus Police & Security Department, not just Clery Act crimes. Furthermore, the log is designed to provide crime information on a timelier
basis than annual statistical disclosures.
Crime data for the log is gathered from multiple sources, including calls for service
to the Campus Security Department, disciplinary information gathered from Student
Services, statistical crime reports filed by campus security authorities, statistical
crime reports gathered from the Smithfield Police Department, Johnston County Sheriff’s
Office, and Benson Police Department, as well as any alerts received from Johnston
County 911. The Glossary of Terms below explains some commonly used terms found in
the log.
In rare cases, information may be temporarily withheld from the Daily Crime Log. This is only if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of information would jeopardize
an ongoing investigation, jeopardize the safety of an individual, cause a suspect
to flee or evade detection, or result in the destruction of evidence.
In compliance with the Clery Act, Campus Police & Security does not include crimes that occur outside of Clery geography or the Campus Security Department’s patrol jurisdiction.
A copy of the log, which is maintained for 60 days from when a crime is reported,
can be viewed online, or in person at the Campus Security Office, located in the Wilson
Building. For more information about Johnston Community College and the Clery Act, please contact JCC’s Campus Safety Survey Administrator (CSSA).
JCC Annual Security Report - 2024 (PDF)
Daily Crime Log
Classification/Issue Description | Date/Time Reported | Date/Time of Occurrence | Location | Disposition |
Larceny (86 counts) | 11/15/2024 1320 |
10/16/2024 - 11/26/2024 | Wilson Bldg - Cafeteria | Closed |
Failure to Appear - Robeson Co. Warrant | 11/19/2024 0800 | 11/19/2024 0900 | Wood Bldg - Wooded Area | Arrested |
Larceny (4 counts) | 01/28/2025 1300 |
01/15/2025 - 01/16/2025 | Wilson Bldg - Cafeteria | Closed |