Campus Communications
Timely Warnings
If a criminal situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the Johnston Community College (JCC) President, his senior administrative staff, and/or Campus Police and Security, is a potential ongoing or continuing threat, a campus-wide "timely warning" will be issued.
The warning will be issued through the most effective and efficient means available and may include instant messaging to faculty and staff and e-mail notification and text messaging through Jaguar Alerts to faculty, staff, and students. Announcements may also be made over JCC’s public address system.
In all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the campus community, the JCC President or any member of his senior administrative staff may post a notice on the JCC website. In such instances, a notice may be posted on social media and digital signage displays located throughout campus.
Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances
to Campus Police & Security by phone at (919) 209-2111 (ext. 2111 from any campus
phone) or in person at Campus Police & Security located in the Student Lounge of the
Wilson Building, Room C1214, and/or to the Information Desk at (919) 934-3051 (or
dial "0" from any campus phone).
JCC Jaguar Alerts (Regroup)
Regroup is a next generation communications platform used to deliver JCC Jaguar Alerts.This system broadcasts alerts to students, staff, and faculty.JCC wants to let students and staff know when there is an emergency either on or around
campus and what they need to do to be safe. Click on the Regroup link below to sign
up for Jaguar Alerts!
Intercom Emergency Notification System
JCC Website Banner
There are two methods for posting emergency or urgent notifications on the JCC website.
Emergency notifications such as weather delays or network unavailability are posted
by using a red notification banner at the top of the home page of the JCC website.
A green banner is used for critical, non-emergency notification of impending events
(usually within three business days) such as registration deadlines, application dates,
book buybacks, and other notices for students.
Digital Signage
JCC Voicemail
Social Media: Twitter Facebook Instagram
Local News Outlets
If classes are officially canceled or delayed, JCC will communicate the information
accordingly through:
WRAL-Channel 5
Spectrum News | Central NC
WTSB Radio 105.5 FM / 1090 AM