COVID-19 Vaccine Information
*** JCC is reviewing this page to align with updated guidance. ***
For vaccinated individuals, quarantine periods are determined based on whether or not a person is up to date with vaccinations, as well as if the person is experiencing or has recently experienced COVID-like symptoms.
Up to date means a person has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines, including any booster dose(s) when eligible.
Fully vaccinated means a person has received their primary series of COVID-19 vaccines.
Refer to the "When Are You Up to Date?" section of the following CDC website for updated guidance:
When Are You Up to Date?
Information on vaccine eligibility and available vaccination sites can be found by visiting the following links:
- Johnston County Public Health Department - North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
How to Get a Copy of Your Vaccine Record
If you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, please let us know and send a copy of
your vaccine record, showing the type of vaccine, date(s) administered, and location
received (send to and/or If you do not have a copy readily available, you may be able to access a copy of your record online by following the steps below.
Using Chrome or Firefox, click on the link(s) below:
- NCDHHS website: View or Print Your COVID-19 Vaccine Information –
- Click on “Login to Complete Registration” to access the North Carolina COVID-19 Vaccine Portal, or click on the direct link to the portal below:
- If you associated an email address at any point when getting vaccinated, you may be
able to recover your records this way.
- Once in your account, you can access your records by clicking on the “My Dashboard” tab at the top of the page. Your appointments should be listed here, as well as a link to “Generate Your COVID-19 Vaccine Information” in a downloadable pdf format.
According to the NCDHHS website, if you received your vaccine from a pharmacy participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program or from another federal vaccine provider such as the U.S. Department of Defense,
you will need to get your vaccine information directly from that provider, as it will
not be available in the North Carolina COVID-19 Vaccine Portal.
Guidance for Individuals that are Fully Vaccinated
Effective August 24, 2021, Johnston Community College is handling cases involving
a fully-vaccinated student or employee who is NOT experiencing COVID-like symptoms
according to the below guidelines that have recently been provided by the Johnston
County Public Health Department:
A fully-vaccinated person who has been exposed to a COVID-positive person is no longer
required to quarantine, ONLY if they are not experiencing COVID-like symptoms. The same applies to same-household
***As soon as possible, the person exposed must send a copy of their vaccine record to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Team via email at and/or, as well as a completed COVID-19 checklist.***
If you do not have access to your vaccine card, see information above regarding how to get a copy of your vaccine record.
For Non-Household Exposures:
- The person exposed (fully vaccinated) should still get tested 5-7 days after the exposure,
even if they do not have symptoms. Results should be sent to the COVID-19 Emergency
Response Team via email.
- The person exposed should wear a face covering indoors while in public for 14 days
following an exposure, or until they receive their (negative) test result. NOTE:
Face coverings must still be worn at all times when indoors at JCC except when actively
eating or drinking.
- If the person exposed tests positive for COVID-19, they will then isolate away from
campus for 10 days.
- The person exposed should self-monitor for COVID-like symptoms and isolate away from campus if any develop, reporting their status to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Team. The case will then be evaluated and a plan determined for testing and their safe return to campus.
For Same-Household Exposures:
- The person exposed (fully-vaccinated) should get tested once it has been 5-7 days
of exposure to the COVID-positive household member. Test results should be sent to
the COVID-19 Emergency Response Team via email.
- The person exposed should wear a face covering indoors until 14 days after the last
day of exposure to the COVID-positive household member. At this time, there is no
guidance provided regarding no longer wearing a face covering if a negative test result
is obtained. NOTE: Face coverings must still be worn at all times when indoors at
JCC except when actively eating or drinking.
- If the person exposed tests positive for COVID-19, they will then isolate away from
campus for 10 days. The case will then be evaluated and a plan determined for testing
and their safe return to campus.
- The person exposed should self-monitor for COVID-like symptoms and isolate away from campus if any develop, reporting their status to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Team. The case will then be evaluated and a plan determined for testing and their safe return to campus.
Additional guidance for vaccinated individuals can be found at the following link: