Attendance Regulations
All students must enter class prior to the class 10-percent date, which is the date
set by the state for reporting purposes. Students who fail to attend by this date
will be dropped from the class roll. Regular and punctual attendance is expected of
all students in order for them to achieve their potential in class and to develop
desirable personal traits necessary to succeed in employment.
Since course content and teaching methods vary, each department will determine its
own requirements for attendance. Attendance requirements for each class will be printed
in the course syllabus, which will be distributed the first week of class. Class attendance
is calculated from the first scheduled class meeting to the last. Late arrivals and/or
early departures may count toward total absences.
Students enrolled in distance education classes must demonstrate virtual "attendance".
As with face-to-face classes, each department will determine its own requirements
for attendance. Attendance requirements for each class will be printed in the course
syllabus. Attendance may be determined by a variety of activities such as number of
discussion posts, quizzes completed, etc.
If a student is dropped by an instructor due to excessive absences, a grade of "W-Withdrew"
will be issued and could affect his or her financial aid. A student may be dropped
by an instructor due to excessive absences at any time during the semester, including
that time period before the date designated each semester as the last day a student
can drop without grade penalty. The student must obtain the permission of the instructor
to reenter class. If this request is denied, the student may petition the director/dean
for reinstatement. If the dean denies the request, the vice president of instruction
will make the final ruling on the decision.
Students who choose to participate in College-related activities such as SGA or athletics
must adhere to the attendance policy. Students are responsible for informing their
instructors in advance of absences and are expected to make arrangements for making
up work missed. In such cases, upon approval of the instructor, class time missed
will not be counted as absences provided the students are otherwise in good academic
standing (2.0 cumulative GPA).