Data & Tools

North Carolina Community College System Dashboards

The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) dashboards allow users to explore and interact with NCCCS data by theme. The dashboards are designed to help colleges access the data and information needed to facilitate institutional effectiveness and program improvement. Dashboards include system and college-level data views, disaggregations, historical trends, and peer comparisons. 

NCCCS Dashboards

North Carolina Community College System State Performance Measures

The Performance Measures for Student Success Report is the North Carolina Community College System’s major accountability document. This annual performance report is based on data compiled during the previous year and serves to inform colleges and the public on the performance of our 58 community colleges.

2021 Performance Measures Report (PDF)
2022 Performance Measures Report (PDF)

Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

IPEDS data are submitted at the aggregated-level from postsecondary institutions. Institutions submit data through 12 interrelated survey components about general higher education topics collected over three collection periods (Fall, Winter, and Spring) each year.

IPEDS Survey Methodology

Data Feedback Reports

IPEDS Data Feedback Reports graphically summarizes institutional data and compares that data with peer institutions. 

2022 IPEDS Data Feedback Report
2021 IPEDS Data Feedback Report
2020 IPEDS Data Feedback Report

National Student Clearinghouse

Signature Reports: Persistence and Retention

The Persistence and Retention report series examines first-year persistence and retention rates for beginning postsecondary students. Persistence rate is measured by the percentage of students who return to college at any institution for their second year, while retention rate represents the percentage of students who return to the same institution. Students attaining a credential in their first year are accounted for in persistence and retention rates.

The report is designed to help institutions understand trends and patterns in this important early success indicator, and identify disparities by institutional type, state, degree level, starting enrollment intensity, major field, and student demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and race and ethnicity.

Institutional Persistence and Retention Report - Fall 2014-Fall 2018 Entering Cohorts (PDF)

Signature Reports: Tracking Transfer

The purpose of this report is to provide a set of specific, up-to-date metrics for which focus on
the vertical transfers and subsequent bachelor's degree completion for students who began their
postsecondary education at JCC.

This report focuses on the cohort of first-time students
who started their postsecondary studies starting in a particular fall semester and tracks their transfer
and completion patterns at four-year institutions over a period of six years. 

Tracking Transfer: Institutional Benchmark Report - Fall 2013 Entering Cohort (PDF)
Tracking Transfer: Institutional Benchmark Report - Fall 2012 Entering Cohort (PDF)
Tracking Transfer: Institutional Benchmark Report - Fall 2011 Entering Cohort (PDF)

Signature Reports: Postsecondary Completions

The purpose of this report is to provide an institution-level view of student completion rates,
benchmarked to the analyses published in the national signature report on completions.

National degree completions report and the state-level supplement to the national report can be
downloaded at: NSC Research Center Reports. This report draws on the Clearinghouse's national coverage of enrollment and awarded education credentials to explore the six-year outcomes of a cohort of first-time-in-college degree-seeking students, who started in a particular fall semester.

Postsecondary Completions: Institutional Benchmark Report - Fall 2014 Cohort (PDF)
Postsecondary Completions: Institutional Benchmark Report - Fall 2013 Cohort (PDF)
Postsecondary Completions: Institutional Benchmark Report - Fall 2012 Cohort (PDF)

2021 EMSI Burning Glass Study

In fiscal year 2019-2020, operations, construction, and student spending of the colleges, together with the enhanced productivity of their alumni, generated $19.3 billion in added income for the North Carolina economy.

The additional income created by N.C. Community Colleges is equal to approximately 3.4% of the total gross state product of North Carolina. The impact is equivalent to supporting 319,763 jobs. For further perspective, this means that one out of every 19 jobs in North Carolina is supported by the activities of the colleges and their students.

For every dollar invested in N.C. Community Colleges yields...

  • Taxpayers gain $1.90 in added tax revenue and public sector savings.
  • Students gain $4.90 in lifetime earnings.
  • Society gains $7.50 in added income and social savings.

Learn more at Learn more at

North Carolina Community College System 

Full Report: The Collective Economic Value of North Carolina Community Colleges (PDF)
Executive Summary: The Collective Economic Value of North Carolina Community Colleges (PDF)
Fact Sheet: The Collective Economic Value of North Carolina Community Colleges (PDF)
Infographic: The Collective Economic Value of North Carolina Community Colleges (PDF)

Johnston Community College

Executive Summary: The Economic Value of Johnston Community College (PDF)
Fact Sheet: The Economic Value of Johnston Community College (PDF)
Infographic: The Economic Value of Johnston Community College (PDF)

External Data Tools and Resources

North Carolina's Tool for Online Workforce and Education Reporting (NC TOWER)

NC TOWER is a web-based delivery system providing aggregate information on students who attended public universities and community colleges in North Carolina. These data include programs of study, degrees attained, further enrollment, and wage and employment information.

All UNC System Interactive Data Dashbosards

The UNC Data Dashboards are interactive reports sourced from an online database that gives students, parents, policymakers, and taxpayers expanded access to detailed system data on selected core measures.

UNC-GA's Interactive Data Dashboard (University Transfer Outcomes)

This interactive data dashboard includes student success data on community college transfers within the UNC System, including enrollment, first-year performance, and graduation rates that can be filtered by community college and university of transfer.

Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Resource Center

The O*NET database contains hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors on almost 1,000 occupations covering the entire U.S. economy. Valid data are essential to understanding the rapidly changing nature of work and how it impacts the development and maintenance of a skilled workforce. O*NET is developed under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration and through a grant to the North Carolina Department of Commerce.